This is the tale of two adventurers.

One has over a decade of experience as a chef, working in a multitude of kitchens around victoria. The other? Bartender, ideas man, foodie, huge nerd (seriously. His dreams are character creation menus).

One evening, they met in a tavern and after talking a while, they realised that they shared a passion for both food and nerdy things.

Using their combined experience, they set forth to bring about a hotsauce business, inspired by dungeons & dragons, to life! Using many different ingredients, they were able to invent sauce combinations that are full of flavour and had plenty of spice.

During their adventures together, they encountered two more travelers who offered to join their party. One with social media experience and influencer status, the other bringing vast knowledge of website design and product sales.

They both joined the adventure and have helped this sauce company flourish and become what its known as today – DTWENTY SAUCE CO.

  • JON


    I'm a big ol' videogame nerd and I've been working as a chef for over a decade now (Man I feel so old...). I began my hospitality career back in 2011, and my journey landed me in Melbourne, where I've been working ever since.

    I've used my knowledge & passion for food, along with inspiration from fantasy and videogame culture to bring you these sauces. I've worked hard to make sure each sauce has a good balance of flavour, and not just heat that will burn off your tastebuds.

    Legend of Zelda is my all-time favourite videogame series, and I have a special place in my heart for retro videogames. I've got a bunch of memes tattooed on my ankle, and I like to cosplay as videogame characters in my spare time.



    Ever since I was very young, I have been a huge devotee of tabletop role playing games. When myself and Jon were developing DTWENTY, Dungeons and Dragons (and fantasy in general) quickly came up. This was a nerdy, fun, creative way to make their company stand out in a great industry.

    I'm currently playing in 3 DnD campaigns in the small down time I have while not running Valhalla Axe Throwing - please, please ask me about my homebrew characters!


    Team Member.
    My name is Viper your all-rounder, media, ideas, processing, consultant-y thing for D-twenty!!! Apart from N64 games as a kid, I got my real start in nerd culture in high school when I started Cosplay and a hefty League of Legends… enthusiasm let’s say. Currently I work as a Scientist and Cosplayer and distract myself with Game Grumps, DnD and a lot of nerdy podcasts.